The Highs and Lows of Mommy Blogging

[su_heading size=”18″]The Highs and Lows of Mommy Blogging[/su_heading]

It’s been a while. I know.

Perhaps I should explain. I have been doing a little bit of disciplining while traveling to Slopestyle Competitions:


I’ve been having drinks with Baddy in cool mountain town bars:

“Are you There?” in Telluride

I’ve been attending author socials through the Aspen Writer’s Conference, Winter Word Series:

Ann Patchett at The Baldwin Gallery

And, I was offered a job in Aspen and almost…ALMOST…gave it all up. I was downtrodden. The blog didn’t feel like it was going anywhere. Where positive messages, little gifts, once came in on a daily basis, whether it be a new comment, Fan, Subscriber or Freelance job, the action had become stagnant and I was sinking in a swamp filled with words.

Then one day, I got the offer. Everything was perfect about it except that it wasn’t related to my blog and it would be a full time job that would take me away from my boys, my interviews and my travel writing. “That’s okay,” I said to myself. “It’s time for you to break out of your safe, little insular world and work amongst others. Make some money for crap’s sake!” I forced myself to be excited about the change.

The next week we spoke and it was all good. “We’re sooo excited for you to be joining our team,” they said enthusiastically, and then they went on with more information then I needed,”We were thinking of hiring somebody younger but we want and need somebody with your experience. We also need somebody who we can feel comfortable just being silent with, after a long, hard days work. Somebody to answer all of our calls and to trouble shoot. Somebody to do all of our shit for us….” I hung up the phone still excited, even though I didn’t think I was that much “older”.

Then silence.

And through the silence I thoroughly analyzed every scenario out there, “If I give up my blog than it will have been three hard earned years down the drain. But wasn’t it the blog that got me this job? What will I do with my kids over the summer? Will I ever see my kids? That could be a good thing. Nawwww, I didn’t mean that! Life could get easier. Life could get harder. Will I give up writing forever? Will I disappear from my Social Media circles and nobody will notice that I am gone?”…you get the idea…

In the next week I procured two new consulting jobs and two Freelance writing assignments. One just happens to be…drumroll please…that I am being published in my first Luxury Magazine (everybody jump into the air and click your heels three times in excitement). I also received a request to conduct an interview with a talented drinker who has his own HDNET show, and a cult following to boot. After three years, my SEO is strong and people are finding me through my blog. Life was back on track. Until my internet went down for another week, as did my phone and my ability to function. I developed a twitch.

Soooo, that’s why I haven’t been writing. But I’m back, and I’m here to stay. At least for now, and I’m sooo excited to forward to you the links to my pieces and to write, write and write some more.

LYSYMI (the first person to comment correctly on what this means wins an Aspen Real Life sticker and a big kiss from me)

12 thoughts on “The Highs and Lows of Mommy Blogging

  1. Um J,
    Keep the writing going. And I would have smacked the person on the phone up side the head for saying what they said to you. Unprofessional, max ;).
    Just saying.


    1. Thank you Mary!! Your comment put a huge smile on my face – see, that’s what I’m talking about, I get gifts everyday from my readers and that in itself is worth it all to me!


  2. It sounds like the universe was telling you which direction you should STAY in! So glad you were awake and listening!
    Surprize Yourself
    Momma Invincible


  3. Welcome back…I’ve been missing you!! I’ve jumped and clicked and toasted your decision to stay with it. Can’t imagine our lives without your writing!! I’ll be watching for the links.

    Love and Hugs,


    1. I miss you too Barbara! I never know where you are – up and traveling on your road trips and visiting with all of your relatives. Who can keep up? You need a blog, so we stay informed and get details. I’ll help set you up. You are a beautiful writer, I bet you would get more hits than me!!


  4. Really glad you’re sticking with this blog! Means a lot to the city slickers… I remember that show from HDNET. I watched it for a few episodes. Amusing enough to keep watching. Suddenly my cable company unceremoniously dumped HDNET – annoying me to no end. I can’t remember the host’s name – Andrew? One episode he visited a professional golf tournament in Phoenix. Really a nutty way to make a living, but I watched and I still wish I had my HDNET!


    1. Winston, the hosts name is Zane Lamprey. It was a fun interview. I’ll be posting it before the show airs in April. Sorry about your HDNET. I need more TV in my life!!!


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